Monday, May 21, 2012

Massive update coming!!

We haven't been updating the website too often (everything has been on the facebook fan page!) but promise to at least update the available geckos this week. I have been contemplating changing to a new hosting server and redoing the website from scratch so I don't want to spend a lot of time updating what will soon be deleted. 

Just to give you an idea of what has been happening...
We've already hatched over 30 crested geckos so far this season, with over 40 eggs incubating. 
Our gargoyles are laying and we hope to have a few hatch next month.

We are looking to expand our pinstripe project as we've just hatched out our first 2 100% pinstripe babies from GT x Shelby! Here's one of them Boss [302]: 

We have a new breeder weight female we are going to put with GT just to see what happens in a few weeks after her quarantine is up. This is Cream Puff.

 We also purchased two sub-adult female reds, Fruit Loops & Red Velvet, who will be paired with Sebastian next season. They are HOT.  [This is Fruit Loops, NOT fully fired!]

On the selling side....
We will be putting our beautiful Barracuda up for sale, as we have ended up with too many male pinstripes. If Bert ends up being male, we will be selling him too. 
Lots of little ones sold this weekend at AAE... but there are still some left that will be put into the available album.

We are looking to getting a bigger space to expand breeding next year... :)