Sorry for the lack of posts... been busy! You know how it goes.
We've added a few different geckos including a sub-adult male from Pangea named Baloo. He's a dark male for Mowgli in the spring. We also picked up a sub-adult female from Pangea named Penelope for Garfield.
And.... We have the first babies from Pickles x Doughball: Snuffleapagus and Oscar the Grouch. Hatched out at 1.7 and 1.9 grams. They are such little cuties. I can't wait until we can get some photos of them. The names were switched because Snuffleapagus ended up having green hues and Oscar was brown, so it only seemed fitting.
All of our ladies are on a laying hiatus despite them being in warm temperatures. Oh well... but we are in need of male gargoyle. We cannot find a 30+ gram reticulated male with orange blotches around here! If anyone has one, please LET US KNOW!
We will be having a little Christmas sale soon....